The Impact of Language on Literacy Development

The Impact of Language on Literacy Development
The Impact of Language on Literacy Development

Language is the best means of human expression. it is the most popular medium of communication. it is a means of personal expression, exchange of mutual ideas and experiences. throuh this medium, we can express our thoughts, desires, attitudes and feelings to other, collect information from outside and give different types of experiences also, through this medium people can understad our thoughts.( The Impact of Language on Literacy Development)

there are four main skill to learn any language

skill of language


Definition of language

★ According to Ratanjali, Language is the buisness by which descriptive or individual, express their thoughts by words

★According to sir Willian Winter, self expression is the dominant necessity of human beings.”
★According to sweet “the appearance of thoughts based on sound words is language.

* Nature of Language

  • Language is a symbolic means of expression
  • Language can acquired
  • Language uses socially accepted
  • phonetic sounds/signs.
  • Language is closely related to ideas
  • Language is variable
  • Language is acquired by imitation
  • Language is related to tradition
  • Every language has its own geogra- phical boundaries.
  • Every language has its own structure.
  • The language is according to the rules of simplicity
  • Language has diversity and variations Language moves from synthesis to
  • Lanalytical Language is associated with culture
  • civilization Land civilization Language
  • fronounced and written-
  • Language is used for communication and interaction.
  • hinguistic ability is functionally different from other cognitive abilities
    • Linguistic ability is qualitatively the same in all individuals.

Explain the Nature of language.(any 8- points)

(1) Language is a symbolic means of expression

Our language framework is essentially comprised of images. A symbol is something that stands in for or repr esents something else symbols can be communicated verbally (speaking the word Hello), in writing putting the letters H-E-L-L-O together or then again nonverbally (waving your hand back and fecth

(2) Language can acquired children acquire language through

association with their folks and different grown-ups, yet in addition with different kids.. All normal children who grove up in normal households, surrou nded by conversation, will acquire the language that is being used around them

(3.) Language is acquired by imitation

A three stage process is proposed in which comprehension of a grammar-or grammatical forms sets the stage selective limits of that structure, forid which leads in turn to spontaneous production Thus, imitation is a process by which neve syntactic structure can be first introduced into the productive mode

(4) Language has diversity and varia tion

It is a wide term used to depict the distinctions between various dialects and the ways that individuals. communicate each other.

(5) Language moves from synthesis to analytical

Synthetic language combine (synthe size) multiple concepts into each word Analytic languages break-up (analyze) concepts into separate words. At last we will learn analy tical concepts or language

(6) Language is used for communica tion and interaction

Among, people language is the primary means of communication, spoken or written, that we are able to share our ideas, opinions, views and emotions with another person. The purpose of language is making
sense of complex and abstract thought

(7) language is associated with culture and civilization Language is one of the most important

parts of any culture. It is the way by which people communicate with another, build relationships and create a sense ity. There are of community roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today and each is unique in a number of ways.

(8) Language is closely related to ideas

hanguage is the expression of ideas by means of speech – sounds combined into words words are combined into senten- ces, this combination aswering to that of ideas into thoughts.

* Types of hanguage

(1)Oral.                   ( 2)written

→ Humans enchange their thoughts in two forms, oral form and written. form. Thus, there are two types of

(1)Language:- Oral Language.

(2.)Written language.

(1.) Oral Language Humans generally use oral language in conversation, It does not require much efforts to learn it, when humans enchange. their thoughts by speaking it is called oral form of language or oral language.

(2.) Written language When humans enchange their thoughts by writing. it is called written form of language or written language. written language is used in letters, artides, books, newspapers etc. The collection of thoughts is also done in written language only written language gifts.

★ At present there are 22 languages listed
Las scheduled languages in the consti- tution

* Standard Language

(1) standard Language means formed. according to a certain scale

(2.) standard language means a language that is written or spoken according to

(3) grammar that is the scale of any standard language is its grammar

(4) Standard language is a universally accepted language, it is grammatico ally correct and has the ability to convey definite meaning.

(5) standard language is that form of language which is considered pure in the entire area of that language and which the educated and civilised. society of that región considered as the ideal form of its language and in almost all formal sitriations in writing, administration and education

* Based on this, the standard langu age has the following characterstics”

  • Standard language is grammatically correct
  • Standard language is universal.
  • Standard language is uniform, It is able to perform the work of our educational, administrative and constitutional fields
  • Standard language is clear, well defined and definite. Communica- tion in standard language do not any confusion.
  • The standard language keeps evolui- ng continuously according to the neve requirements.
  • Standard language is capable of acquiring and creating new words..
  • Despite the variations in standard language its structure is strong and stable There is no error and deficit.
  • Standard language is defined.


  • Language means to exchange ideas or to prove one’s expression. But langu lage is not limited to speaking only, but if is very important to be able to read and write the language
  • If we talk about literacy, then elleracy means having the ability To read and write.
  • Different countries have different standards of literacy. According to the national literacy mission in India is person is considered literate if he is able to read and write ” his name.

* Relationship between language and literacy

If we talk about language and Mteracy then we need to know the meaning of language, language means to express our thoughts or to exchange ideas. There are two ways Lof exchange ideas:-

(1) Enchanging ideas by speaking (Oral)

(2) Enchanging ideas by writing (written)

Everyone can express their language by speaking but when it comes lo literacy a person should know both reading and and writing only done we considered him literate.

If a person knows a language and can speak it, but does not know how to read or write the alphabets in that language, then he will not called literate.

There are four language abilities Understanding composition, talking and tuning in.
If a person has develops these four. skills it means that he will literate

  • Language and literacy plays a very important role in a child’s early years when the child is at home before coming to school, He learns the language from whole environme- nt, at the time of admission to school who has atleast 2000 to 3000 words in his vocabulary, but the child learns to read and write the language in school, he is called fully literate.
  • All the four skills of the child are developed in the school
  • Language and literacy are key areas of students development in the early. childhood stages.
  • If a student can listen, speak, read and write then he will be called literate.

The Impact of Language on Literacy Development





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