How Oral Language Skills Shape Success

How Oral Language Skills Shape Success (3)

Meaning of oral language

The use of sound sign language by a person to present his feelings and. thoughts to others is called oral expression But that language should also be understand by listeners, so oral expression should be clear, easy, fure natural and according to their mental level and thoughts should be orderly.

when a person utters a language to sound, it is called oral expression. Therefore the language express to the mouth is oral language.

☆Oral Language

(1)Helpful in daily life

(2.) Helpful in learning

(3.) Helpful in Business

(4) Oral language expression as a role of Business

(5) Personality development

(6) Helpful in teaching process.

Types of Oral Language

Oral language

Ways of oral language skill

Oral Expression of language is very important for developments of children’s knowledge.the phase of language development of children is possible only through the process of oral practice. in this way ,the following methods can be adopted for the development of oral expression.

  1. Jolly phonics method
  2. conversation method
  3. book method
  4. Sentence construction method
  5. Question answer method
  6. story, incident and experience telling method .
  7. Sight, travel and picture description method
  8. Child song and poem recitation
  9. Lecture method
  10. Child song organization

Jolly phonics method – it is a type of play and a child centered.

  • Approach to teach through sounds.
  • In this method, student are taught the pronaunciation of each letter through sound.
  • this multilanguage is a motivating method for both the teachers and student.

In this, student are taught through. sounds,this method .is very effective in teaching english language like-

Sound of   A is “ए”

B is  “ब”

C is  “स”

Conversation method :- for the development of Oral language Skills the teacher should encourage the students to interact or discuss with each other or with the teacher, in the class.

It is very important to develop the oral skills of the students in the early years. To promote Conversation, the teacher can Keep a period of Conversation in addition to the teacher can keep a period conversation in addition to the study period.

Book method: In the early years when the chilo learns to read, redes they should be given a book to read for their verbal skill development and .care should be taken that maxium maximum number of pictures are used in the book.

Reading is also necessary to understand the pictures. Even if the child does not know ha to read, he recognizes them through bictures. and pronounces some words or the other with his mouth.

Sentence construction method : In sentence Construction method, children can be made to practice by composing sentences both orally and In coriting. But for. verbal skill developments, the teacher can write sentences on the blackboard and call the students to make or compose Sentences.

Question, Answer method : The question a answer method is Considered to be the contribution of Socrates Question answer method. is very important in the development of oral language skills. To develop oral expression. we should ask question in such a way that they know the answer

Story Incident and experience telling method

Talking about the initial stage. children feel great joy in listening to the story. Children not only listen to the story themselves.

The story can be repeated by the teacher in primary classes. To repeat the heard story, Children con be given the practice of telling the beginning the story and completing it.

 Sight travel and picture describing method

Children can also use the visual description method for oral language development. In this. Context, by presenting front of the children CA particular scene in instructions Can be given the practice of telling or to express their independent thoughts in that context.Children can also be ask questions related to any trip they have taken to

child song and poem recitation method

Children love listening to and singing songs and poems That’s why their songs and poems thewhyet are such that they get ot the space experience of entertainment, Something as will so as to give new or educations, children can use song’s on poems.

Lecture method –  Efforts should be made from the early years to inculcate that Courage to speak in children. It the early years, children should be encouraged to speak on small topics. “”Discourse is a strong medium (instrument) of articulation .however discourse ought to be as indicated by the psychological and intellietual level of the youngsters..

child song organization

children are more interested in music . they can be made aware of language and other subjects in a better way through music and through them. their songs should also be related to family members, animals and birds, fairs and various natural things related to zoo so that he can become well acquainted with the environment around him.

 Development of other literacy skills (understanding of phonic awareness and Alphabetic principles)
  • To learn quage there must be knowledge of the phonics and alphabets of that language, only then we will be able to nd write their sanguage learn to speak and Properly.
  • The structure of language is made up of vowels and .consonants
Phonemic awareness
  • Sound awareness is the ability to recognize sounds and understanding the changes that occur when sounds mix.
  • Phondogical awareness involves the ability to break down a word into sounds and to associate the different sounds of a words.
  • we can understand phonemic awareness from the following points.
  1. Ability to play and heard with individual Sounds
  2. the child should be able to hear the sound that is taught ,he should understand that sound.

for example – If the child is taught the sound of “s” he will be read it through sound only sound of

A is “ए”
B is “ब”

C is “स”

  • To create new words using these sounds .
  • In the early years, children are taught the sounds of letters to teach them to read, so that the student creates new words by listening and learning the sound.

For example –

A- “ए”-Ant

B- “ब” -Bat

D- “ड” -Dog

M- “म” -Mat

F- “फ” -Fog

  • in this way,the student pronounce the word by learning the sounds.
  • natural way (interesting way to break the parts of language)

alphabetic principles

Alphabetic theory means to introduce the child to each letter and its sound. For examples the sound of ‘A’, the sound of ‘k’, the sound of ‘B’ etc. After that, to introduce the words made from the combination of two alphabets and their sounds. First the children were introduced to a single sound. which is called individual letter sound. After the child learns the single sound, the double sound is taught.

* Role of rich language learning environment in development of language and literacy in early years.

* Rich Language learning environment/ Language rich environment

Language rich environment refers to providing an environment for children with in the classroom or school that emphasizes play based learning of language skill, that is an enviroment allows them to engage in various aspects of language and literacy such as writing, reading and speaking.

This can be done by putting labels in the classroom, making a blackboard all the way down the wall, Putting pictures, charts etc. which motivates children towards language.

* Role of Language rich environment in early years

Children have the opportunity to learn in a language rich environment through their daily routine. In the early years, children love to play, it is also easy to teach them to through play and motivate them to learn.

Through many indoor games and activities children can be taught to read and write in the classroom because it is believed that whatever the students learn through activities and games is his permanent knowledge.

*How to create Language rich environment
  1. Charts
  2. Furniture.
  3. Everything should be labelled
  4. Play
  5. Books
  6. Positive feedback
  7. More conversation
  8. Classroom library
  9. Display board

*Concept of Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Concept of Bilingualism

Bilingual education involes teaching academic concept with two language in a native and secondary language with varying amount of each language used accordance with program model.

Bilingual education refers to utilization of the two language as a means of instruction for students and consideration part of or the entire school curriculum, as distinct from simply teaching a second language as a subject.


Bi (Iwo)                                                      (lingual (language)

* Advantages of Bilingualism classroom.

1) As we know that there are children speaking different languages the class If the child in does not know english because he is a hindi speaking child, Then the children. understand by explaining the certain
topics in hindi or vice versa.

(2.) In order to make teaching effective in the classroom, the teacher can teach children well by using the method of Bilingualism. concepts can be explain better using bilingualism method.

* Disadvantages of Bilingualism dassroom

(1.) The use of bilingual method is effective in teaching work of small classes. This method cannot be used in higher dass because at secondary level the classes are divided into two parts English and Hindi.

2). The method sometime creates confusion in the classroom because when converting from hindi to English and English to hindi the meaning of sentence changes. This is the greatest drawback of this strategy..

* Concept of Multilingualism


Multi (Many)                                                 (lingual (Language)

The word multi lingualism is made up of two words multi-lingual means multilingualism.

By multilingualism, means that a person who can speak or use more. than one language is called multilingual .This can be in the form of speaking, writing or singing language also at the level of listening, reading and understanding

* Meaning

Multilingualism refers to place or a country where multiple languages are spoken.

Earlier the terms bilingualism and trilingualism where used in the content of language. Now multilingualism is being used in its place.

* Class and Multilingualism

Multilingualism in the classroom indicates that if student are respected in the classroom for expressive themselves in their mother tongue, they gradually become confident and learns the standard language.

* Importance of Multilingualism

1).study have shown that multilingualism is positively corealted with cognitive development, decentralised thinking, academic achievement and social tolerance that is the higher a child’s language ability, the more he/she develops in their enviromment, knowledge and thinking.

(2,) when we speak multiple languages, then our value increases exponentially with each new language that we learn.

(3.) It provides an opportunity to celebrate the diversity found in human cultures.

(4) Student who can speak multiple.dialects, additionally will generally have more companions when contrasted with single language understudies.

(5) Helpful in cognitive development, better problem solver, critical thinking power increases.

speech and language development milestons from     to eight (0-8) year

language is the greatest gift of human life. this makes it higher than other system it is the higher stage of development .

How Oral Language Skills Shape Success

*Study related to language development of child

0-12 months

  • From birth to the first month the child’s slight crying sounds come out
  •  Parents take care of child’s crying signal and fulfill its needs.
  •  Child cries more because of physical discomfort
  • In normal condition, The child’s start crying out slowly and then moves to a fast
  • The cry of a child in anger increases with speed.
  • Child’s starts smiling in second month.
  • Twelve months old child start talking for milk
2) l – 2 years
  • At this age, the child tries to make a sentence by combining 2 ou 3 words like “Mummy milk”.
  • At the age of 1 and half year child. starts speaking 20 words After that the speed of his development increases.
  • when the child becomes 22 months old vocabulary increases to 250 words.
(3) 2-3 years of age
  • According to Psychologists, when the child of the age group of 2 years, his/her language development becomes faster.
  • He/she starts speaking a sentence. consisting of 3 or 4 words.
(4) 3-4 years of age
  • 3 years old child almost start using such language which is understood by their parents. and other members of the house but also easily understood by the people outside the house.
  • By the age of 4 the child’s vocabulary about 1200 words.
  • Starts speaking long sentences.
  • The childs start using complex words in sentences.
(5)4-6 years of age
  • child who begins to cross the age of 4, learns the use complex words.
  • He can speak and understand these words
  • Children of 4-6 years enjoy their toys.
  • Along with language development, their vocabulary goes on increasing rapidly
(6) 7-8 years of age
  • children from 7-8 years of age understand the time intervials and seasons of the year.
  • Dctects mistakes in sentences spoken by other people.
  • Forms compreen and compound sentences very easily.
  • Engages in meaningful conversation with olders.
  • Is able to need text according to his age.
  • By this age the vocabulary becomes 4600 words.

How Oral Language Skills Shape Success (3)


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